Our indices seldom break down
Once the satellites are launched, they simply go about doing their work – orbiting around the Earth, collecting data and transmitting it back to the Earth. Compared to ground-based, manual devises, they hardly ever fail. And often the operators replace a satellite before their end-of-life approaches. Moreover, there are often more than one satellites collecting similar data, so its pretty rare for any particular metric to go blank for an extended period.
As a result, our indices rarely, if ever, have any gaps. They are much more reliable that ground-based sensors, which often fail during catastrophic events – exactly when they are needed the most.
This is the heading
The above chart compares the reliability of our indices with the data collected by ground based sensors.
The charts compare daily high and low temperatures recored by a weather station operated by National Weather Service at Kissimmee, FL with our estimates for the same measures at the same location. The weather station reported numbers have extended gaps highlighted by the purple ovals but our readings have no gaps at all.